3D Bioprinting Micro-model Services

3Dmicroflu™ technology platform can provide you with high-resolution 3D bioprinting in vitro micro-model construction services

Based on 3Dmicroflu™ technology platform, we can provide you with a range of in vitro organ, tissue, system, and disease micro-model construction services. Because 3Dmicroflu™ technology platform performs a single-cell printing process, it has a great advantage in the construction of complex and detailed micro-models. These micro-models can fully reflect the characteristics of in vivo physiological conditions and assist you in achieving in vitro simulation of the in vivo environment as much as possible.

3Dmicroflu™ technology platform can provide you with high-resolution 3D bioprinting <em>in vitro</em> micro-model construction services

A series of in vitro micro-model construction services are available based on 3Dmicroflu™ for you to choose from

More design and customization services will also be realized through 3Dmicroflu™ technology platform. If needed, please feel free to contact us.
