Product Overview
Catalog No:
Subspherical powder
Preservation Condition:
Store tightly at room temperature and away from fire
20-90 μm
Custom particle size available
Elements, wt.%:
Al: Bal
Si: 6.5-7.5
Fe: ≤0.10
Cu: ≤0.20
Mn: ≤0.10
Mg: 0.40-0.7
Zn: ≤0.10
Ti: 0.04-0.20
Be: ≤0.002
Other elements, each: 0.05
Other elements, total: 0.15
Tensile Strength, MPa:
Manufactured state:
Vertical: 400
Horizontal: 365
Heat treated state:
Vertical: 330
Horizontal: 340
Yield Strength, MPa:
Manufactured state:
Vertical: 250
Horizontal: 255
Heat treated state:
Vertical: 265
Horizontal: 270
Elongation, %:
Manufactured state:
Vertical: 6
Horizontal: 10
Heat treated state:
Vertical: 11.5
Horizontal: 11.5
AIF357 3D printing material is suitable for applications that require low weight and strong mechanical properties. AIF357 is a beryllium-free derivative of AISi7Mg0.6 alloy. The parts manufactured by AIF357 can be machined in the manufacturing state or in the heat treatment state.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.