PolyJet Bioprinting Technology


In the rapidly advancing field of bioprinting, PolyJet technology has emerged as one of the most promising methods for creating complex biological structures with high precision. Originally developed for industrial purposes, PolyJet technology has found significant applications in the medical and biological sciences, particularly in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This article explores the fundamentals of PolyJet bioprinting, its advantages, applications, and future prospects.

Understanding PolyJet Bioprinting

PolyJet bioprinting is a type of additive manufacturing technology that operates on principles similar to those of inkjet printing. However, instead of ink, PolyJet bioprinters use liquid photopolymers, which are materials that solidify when exposed to UV light. In the context of bioprinting, these photopolymers are often biocompatible hydrogels that can be loaded with cells, growth factors, and other biological materials.

Figure 1. PolyJet printing technology.Figure 1. PolyJet technology.(Lee KY, et al.; 2015)

The process begins with a digital model of the desired structure, typically created using computer-aided design (CAD) software. The PolyJet printer then deposits tiny droplets of the liquid photopolymer onto a build platform, layer by layer, according to the digital model. As each layer is printed, it is instantly cured by UV light, allowing the structure to build up gradually in three dimensions.

One of the key features of PolyJet technology is its ability to print with multiple materials simultaneously. This is achieved by having multiple print heads, each capable of dispensing a different material. This multi-material capability is crucial for bioprinting, where different tissues or components within a tissue may require different materials or cell types.

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Advantages of PolyJet Bioprinting

  1. High Resolution and Precision
    PolyJet bioprinting is renowned for its high resolution, with layer thicknesses as fine as 16 microns. This level of precision allows for the creation of intricate structures with complex geometries, which are often required in tissue engineering and other biological applications. The fine resolution also means that printed tissues can more closely mimic the microarchitecture of natural tissues, leading to better functionality and integration with the human body.
  2. Multi-Material Printing
    The ability to print with multiple materials simultaneously sets PolyJet bioprinting apart from many other bioprinting technologies. This feature allows for the creation of tissues with varying mechanical properties, which is essential for replicating the heterogeneity of natural tissues. For example, a single printed construct could have stiff, bone-like regions alongside softer, cartilage-like regions, all within the same print job.
  3. Speed and Efficiency
    Compared to some other bioprinting methods, PolyJet bioprinting is relatively fast. The simultaneous deposition and curing of materials reduce the time required to produce complex structures. This speed is particularly beneficial in clinical settings, where rapid production of custom tissues or implants can significantly impact patient outcomes.
  4. Versatility
    PolyJet technology is incredibly versatile, capable of printing not only biological tissues but also scaffolds, drug delivery systems, and even full organ models. Its applications extend beyond the medical field into areas such as research, where it can be used to create complex models for studying disease or testing new treatments.
  5. Smooth Surface Finish
    The nature of the PolyJet process results in a smooth surface finish, which is important for applications where surface texture can impact cell behavior or tissue integration. Smooth surfaces are also beneficial when creating models for surgical planning or patient-specific implants, where precise fitting is critical.

Applications of PolyJet Bioprinting

  1. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
    One of the most promising applications of PolyJet bioprinting is in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. By combining different cell types and materials, researchers can create tissues that closely mimic natural structures. For example, PolyJet bioprinting has been used to create skin grafts, cartilage implants, and vascularized tissues, all of which are crucial for treating injuries or degenerative diseases.
    In addition to creating individual tissue types, PolyJet bioprinting holds the potential for printing more complex structures such as organoids or even entire organs. While the printing of fully functional organs remains a distant goal, the ability to create organ-like structures with multiple cell types and materials is a significant step forward.
  2. Drug Testing and Disease Modeling
    PolyJet bioprinting is also being used to create models of human tissues for drug testing and disease modeling. These models can be used to test the efficacy and safety of new drugs in a more physiologically relevant environment than traditional cell cultures. By printing tissues that closely mimic human organs, researchers can gain insights into how diseases progress and how they might be treated.
    For example, researchers have used PolyJet bioprinting to create liver models that can be used to test the toxicity of new drugs. These models are more accurate than traditional cell cultures, as they incorporate the complex interactions between different cell types and extracellular matrix components that are found in the liver.
  3. Surgical Planning and Custom Implants
    Surgeons can benefit from PolyJet bioprinting by using it to create detailed models of patient-specific anatomy. These models can be used for surgical planning, allowing surgeons to practice complex procedures or determine the best approach before entering the operating room. PolyJet bioprinting is also used to create custom implants that perfectly match a patient's anatomy, improving the fit and function of the implant.
    For instance, PolyJet bioprinting has been used to create custom jaw implants for patients with severe facial injuries. By using patient-specific data from medical imaging, the implants can be tailored to fit precisely, reducing the risk of complications and improving aesthetic outcomes.
  4. Educational Tools
    In medical education, PolyJet bioprinting is being used to create realistic models of human anatomy. These models can be used for teaching medical students and training surgeons, providing a hands-on experience that is difficult to achieve with traditional teaching methods. The high level of detail and realism possible with PolyJet bioprinting makes it an invaluable tool for education and training.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite its many advantages, PolyJet bioprinting is not without challenges. One of the primary limitations is the availability of suitable materials. While many photopolymers can be used in the PolyJet process, not all are biocompatible or suitable for use in living tissues. Researchers are actively working on developing new materials that combine the necessary mechanical properties with biocompatibility and biodegradability.

Another challenge is the need for post-processing. Although the printed structures are generally of high quality, some applications may require additional steps such as washing away support materials or further curing. These steps can add time and complexity to the overall process.

Looking to the future, PolyJet bioprinting is likely to continue evolving as researchers and engineers refine the technology and develop new materials. Advances in stem cell research, for example, could lead to the creation of more complex, functional tissues and organs. Additionally, improvements in bioprinting software and hardware could further enhance the precision and efficiency of the process.

One exciting prospect is the integration of PolyJet bioprinting with other bioprinting technologies. By combining the strengths of different methods, it may be possible to overcome some of the limitations of PolyJet bioprinting and achieve even more complex and functional tissue constructs.


PolyJet bioprinting represents a significant advancement in the field of bioprinting, offering high precision, multi-material capabilities, and versatility. Its applications in tissue engineering, drug testing, surgical planning, and education demonstrate its potential to revolutionize medicine and biology. As the technology continues to develop, PolyJet bioprinting could play a crucial role in the future of personalized medicine, regenerative therapies, and beyond. Despite the challenges that remain, the future of PolyJet bioprinting is undoubtedly bright, promising new possibilities for creating complex biological structures and advancing human health.


  1. Lee KY, et al.; Accuracy of three-dimensional printing for manufacturing replica teeth. Korean J Orthod. 2015, 45(5):217-25.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.